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Paperwork and its benefits.

Writing paperwork is an art, a competence that needs to be mastered:

The following are some of the benefits of writing papers and mastering the skill:

It creates a Paper Trail : In some situations, creating a paper trail can be useful for tracking events, decisions, or instructions. This can be crucial for complex investigations and cases.
Establishing Rules and Protocols: Some roles in the game have specific procedures and protocols that need to be followed. Writing paperwork helps enforce these rules.
In-Game Communication: Paperwork can be used as a means of communication; leaving notes to faxing the O5 Council. 
Evidence and Record Keeping: Documenting important information can serve as evidence in various situations. For instance, it can be used to report a crime, prove innocence or guilt, or even help with research and development.

Paperwork Formatting Scripts:

Recommended scripts: [time] [date] [center] [small]

To stop going into the center and stop the text from being small you must end the original script: [/center] [/small]

Script Effect Explanation
[b]text[/b] text This makes the text bold.
[i]text[/i] text This makes the text italic.
[u]text[/u] text This makes the text underlined.
This makes the text centered.
[large]text[/large] text This makes the text larger.
[small]text[small] text This makes the text smaller.
Name: [field] Name: [write] This creates a specific field that can be written into by players.
text [br] text text
This makes your document continue in a new line.
[sign] John Doe This creates an unique signature of your character.
text [hr] text text
This creates a line that stretches from left to right of the paper.

Experiment and find out what works best for you.

Paperwork Formatting Logos:

Script Logo Explanation
[scplogo] The standard logo for the Foundation.
[ethicslogo] The logo for the Ethics Committee.
[o5logo] The logo for the Overseer Council.
[adminlogo] The logo for the Administrative department.
[englogo] The logo for the Engineering department.
[mtflogo] The logo for the Mobile Task Force branch.
[loglogo] The logo for the Logistics department.
[manlogo] The logo for the Manufacturing department.
[medlogo] The logo for the Medical department.
[scilogo] The logo for the Science department.
[seclogo] The logo for the Security department.
[isdlogo] The logo for the Internal Security department.
[dealogo] The logo for the Department of External Affairs.
[intlogo] The logo for the Intelligence Agency department.
[triblogo] The logo for the Internal Tribunal department.
[goclogo] The logo for the Global Occult Coalition.
[uiulogo] The logo for the Unusual Incidents Unit.
[thilogo] The logo for the Horizon Initiative.
[mcdlogo] The logo for Marshall, Carter and Dark.
[arlogo] The logo for Anderson Robotics.
[cilogo] The logo for the Chaos Insurgency.
[shlogo] The logo for the Serpent's hand
[cotbglogo] The logo for the Church of the Broken God.

Paperwork Templates


Construction Permit

<syntaxhighlight> [center] [h1] Foundation Construction Permit[/h1] [/center] [b][small][center] Site 53 [/center][/small][/b] [center] [englogo] [/center] [center] [b] Secure. Contain. Protect. [/b] [/center] [b]Lead Engineer[/b]: [field] [b]Additional Engineers[/b]: [field] [b]Description of planned construction[/b]: [field] [b]Construction deadline[/b]: [field] [b]Materials required[/b]: [field] [hr][b]Supervisor's signature or stamp[/b]: </syntaxhighlight>


General Testing Form

<syntaxhighlight> [center] [h1] Foundation Test Log [/h1] [/center] [b][small][center] Site 53 [/center][/small][/b] [center] [scilogo] [/center] [center] [b] Secure. Contain. Protect. [/b] [/center] [hr][b]Test Designation[/b]: [field] [b]Lead Researcher[/b]: [field] [b]Additional Researchers[/b]: [field] [b]Date and time of Test[/b]: [field] [b]SCP object(s) in Test[/b]: [field] [b]Materials Used[/b]: [field] [b]Test Goal[/b]: [field] [hr][b]Notes[/b]: [field] [hr][b]Related Documents[/b]: [field] [b]Summary Report[/b]: </syntaxhighlight>


Incident Report

<syntaxhighlight> [center][h1]Foundation Security Incident Report[/h1][/center] [b][small][center] Site 53 [/center][/small][/b] [center] [seclogo] [/center] [center] [b] Secure. Contain. Protect. [/b] [/center] [hr][small][i]To be filled out by Agent on duty responding to the Incident.[/i][/small][br] [b]Location of Incident[/b]: [field] [b]Time of Incident[/b]: [field] [b]Responding Agent[/b]: [field] [b]Assisting Agent(s)[/b]: [field] [hr][b]Personnel involved in Incident[/b]: [small][i](V-Victim, S-Suspect, W-Witness, M-Missing, A-Arrested, RP-Reporting Person, D-Deceased)[/i][/small][br] [field] [hr][b]Description of Items/Property[/b]: [small][i](D-Damaged, E-Evidence, L-Lost, R-Recovered, S-Stolen)[/i][/small][br] [field] [hr][b]Incident Designation[/b]: [field] [b]Description of Incident[/b]: [field] [hr][b]Reporting Agent's Signature[/b]: </syntaxhighlight>

Security Arrest Report

<syntaxhighlight> [center][h1]Foundation Arrest Report[/h1][/center] [b][small][center] Site 53 [/center][/small][/b] [center] [seclogo] [/center] [center] [b] Secure. Contain. Protect. [/b] [/center] [hr][b]Time of arrest[/b]: [field] [b]Name of arrested personnel[/b]: [field] [b]Arresting Agent(s)[/b]: [field] [b]Associated Incident Designations (if any)[/b]: [field] [hr][small][i]ATTACH ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS TO THIS ARREST REPORT[/i][/small][br] [b]Supervisor's signature or stamp[/b]: </syntaxhighlight>

Security Arrest Warrant

<syntaxhighlight> [center][h1]Foundation Arrest Warrant[/h1][/center] [b][small][center] Site 53 [/center][/small][/b] [center] [triblogo] [/center] [center] [b] Secure. Contain. Protect. [/b] [/center] [b]Suspect Name[/b]: [field] [b]Suspect Job[/b]: [field] [b]Charges[/b]: [field] [b]Sentence[/b]: [field] [b]Lead Investigator[/b]: [field] [hr][small][i]THIS WARRANT IS ONLY VALID WITH PROPER AUTHORIZATION FROM AN OFFICIAL OF THE LAW, SUCH AS A ZONE COMMANDER OR ABOVE. SHOULD THIS NOT BE SIGNED, STAMPED, AND APPROVED BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES, THIS WARRANT IS VOID.[/i][/small][br] [b]Administrative Officer Authorization[/b]: </syntaxhighlight>

Разрешение на вход в зону

<syntaxhighlight> [center][h1]Фонд[/h1][/center] [b][small][center] Зона 53 [/center][/small][/b] [center] [seclogo] [/center] [center] [b] Secure. Contain. Protect. [/b] [/center] [hr][small][i]РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ ДОЛЖНО БЫТЬ ВЫДАНО ПРИ ВЪЕЗДЕ И ВОЗВРАЩЕНО ПРИ ВЫЕЗДЕ С КОНТРОЛЬНО-ПРОПУСКНОГО ПУНКТА[/i][/small][br] Персоналу, выдавшему это разрешение, предоставляется доступ в указанную зону. [b]Зона[/b]: [field] [b]Имя работника[/b]: [field] [b]Должность работника[/b]: [field] [b]Цель входа[/b]: [field] [hr][b]Выдавший разрешение на пропуск через КПП[/b]: </syntaxhighlight>