Участник:Koter: различия между версиями

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Очевидно, это зависит от вашей способности быстро и точно диагностировать пациентов, поэтому ознакомьтесь с диагностическими инструментами, описанными выше, и научитесь их читать. Как только вы узнаете, как определить, что не так с каждым пациентом, это станет вопросом расстановки приоритетов. Любой пациент, перенесший остановку сердца, страдающий внутренним кровотечением, разрывом легких или органной недостаточностью, нуждается в немедленном лечении. Независимо от того, правда или нет что-либо из этого, основная идея сортировки заключается в следующем:<ol><li>Как можно быстрее обследуйте каждого потенциального пациента и сформулируйте диагноз каждому.</li><li>Отсортируйте каждого пациента от наиболее критического к наименее критическому.</li><li>Если возможно, стабилизируйте состояние наиболее критических пациентов и направьте их к более специализированным врачам, если таковые имеются, для полного лечения.</li><li>Продвигайтесь вниз по списку, стабилизируя ситуацию и направляя каждого пациента к соответствующему врачу, пока пациентов не останется.</li></ol>При работе в качестве медика знайте это может включать в себя дополнительный этап по доставке пациентов в лазарет. При работе с ранеными пациентами в полевых условиях после сортировки и выбора приоритетных случаев:<ol><li>Удалите себя и пациента от источника травмы, будь то космический карп, пропитанная Фороном одежда или предатель-убийца. Добавление себя в список жертв никому не поможет. Помещение их в спасательную сумку защитит их от агрессивной атмосферы..</li><li>Stabilize the patient to the best of your ability before transporting them. Failing to do this may result in patient death during transport. Administering Inaprovaline, Tramadol and Dexalin Plus, bandaging bleeding wounds, attaching an auto-compressor, and so on are all helpful in this regard; prioritize stopping any external bleeding, preserving oxygen flow to the brain, and preventing the onset of shock. If the patient requires surgery, wait until after the surgery to administer Bicaridine or Tricordrazine. These will heal the incisions the surgeon makes on the patient, interrupting surgery.</li><li>Use a <b>roller bed</b> to transport them to Medbay. If no roller beds are available, grab them using grab intent and move.  
Очевидно, это зависит от вашей способности быстро и точно диагностировать пациентов, поэтому ознакомьтесь с диагностическими инструментами, описанными выше, и научитесь их читать. Как только вы узнаете, как определить, что не так с каждым пациентом, это станет вопросом расстановки приоритетов. Любой пациент, перенесший остановку сердца, страдающий внутренним кровотечением, разрывом легких или органной недостаточностью, нуждается в немедленном лечении. Независимо от того, правда или нет что-либо из этого, основная идея сортировки заключается в следующем:<ol><li>Как можно быстрее обследуйте каждого потенциального пациента и сформулируйте диагноз каждому.</li><li>Отсортируйте каждого пациента от наиболее критического к наименее критическому.</li><li>Если возможно, стабилизируйте состояние наиболее критических пациентов и направьте их к более специализированным врачам, если таковые имеются, для полного лечения.</li><li>Продвигайтесь вниз по списку, стабилизируя ситуацию и направляя каждого пациента к соответствующему врачу, пока пациентов не останется.</li></ol>При работе в качестве медика знайте это может включать в себя дополнительный этап по доставке пациентов в лазарет. При работе с ранеными пациентами в полевых условиях после сортировки и выбора приоритетных случаев:<ol><li>Удалите себя и пациента от источника травмы, будь то космический карп, пропитанная Фороном одежда или предатель-убийца. Добавление себя в список жертв никому не поможет. Помещение их в спасательную сумку защитит их от агрессивной атмосферы..</li><li>Stabilize the patient to the best of your ability before transporting them. Failing to do this may result in patient death during transport. Administering Inaprovaline, Tramadol and Dexalin Plus, bandaging bleeding wounds, attaching an auto-compressor, and so on are all helpful in this regard; prioritize stopping any external bleeding, preserving oxygen flow to the brain, and preventing the onset of shock. If the patient requires surgery, wait until after the surgery to administer Bicaridine or Tricordrazine. These will heal the incisions the surgeon makes on the patient, interrupting surgery.</li><li>Use a <b>roller bed</b> to transport them to Medbay. If no roller beds are available, grab them using grab intent and move.  
  '''Remember, the patient's condition will will worsen massively from being dragged via (ctrl+click) with open wounds, grab instead!'''
  '''Помните, что состояние пациента значительно ухудшится, если его перетащить (ctrl+ЛКМ) с открытыми ранами, вместо этого хватайте!'''
<table><tr><th style="text-align:center;">Color</th><th style="text-align:center;">Description</th><th style="text-align:center;">In-game definition</th><th style="text-align:center;">Real world treatment type</th><th style="text-align:center;">Suggested in-game treatment</th></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(0, 0%, 0%);text-align:center;"><mark class="pen-red">Black</mark></td><td>Patient is dead</td><td>Patient is braindead. No brain activity.</td><td>Remove to prevent infections</td><td>Ignore until all live patients dealt with, then take to morgue.</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(0, 75%, 60%);text-align:center;">Red</td><td>Patient is seriously injured and in danger of dying, or just flatlined recently</td><td><ul><li>Critical condition (asystole, heart stopped)</li><li>Very low blood counts</li><li>Quickly dropping vitals</li><li>Organ damage to vital organs (brain/heart/lungs)</li></ul></td><td>Immediate treatment</td><td>Treat their condition as quickly as possible. If unable to treat immediately (OR busy, no vaccine), put them in a stasis bag until they can be helped. Stabilize all critical patients before proceeding with in-depth treatment, restart their heart with Defibrillator as soon as they can sustain the heartbeat.</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(60, 75%, 60%);text-align:center;"><mark class="marker-yellow">Yellow</mark></td><td>Patient is injured, but not in immediately life-threatening danger</td><td><ul><li>Bone fractures</li><li>Minor organ damage</li><li>Bleeding or infected (early stage) wounds</li></ul></td><td>Delayed treatment</td><td>Treat as soon as all red triage patients are stabilized.</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(120, 75%, 60%);text-align:center;"><mark class="marker-green">Green</mark></td><td>Patient has light or no injuries, with no bleeding.</td><td></td><td>Minimal/Notreatment</td><td>Ignore until the last of the yellow triage patients have been taken care of.</td></tr></table><h1>Conditions and Symptoms</h1><p>Main Article: [[List of Conditions and Symptoms]]</p><p>Now that you are familiar with the methods and methodology of making a diagnosis, it's time to take a look at the actual conditions that you will have to diagnose. You can use the article above to find a list of symptoms, conditions and how to treat them.</p><h1>Tools</h1><p>Some of these tools require at least the Basic level of the [[Guide to Skills|Medicine Skill]] to use safely, or perform better at higher skill levels.</p><h2>Basic Tools</h2><p>These are the most basic implements available to you. While their uses are specific and will not cover all the patients that you have to deal with, they're widely applicable, and having them within easy reach is never a bad thing.</p><table><tr><th style="text-align:center;">Tool</th><th style="text-align:center;">Purpose</th><th style="text-align:center;">Usage</th></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Ointment</b></td><td>Speeding up healing of burns. Also can be used to treat infected wounds, or to prevent wounds from becoming infected to begin with.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Advanced Burn Kit</b></td><td>Speeds up the healing process of burns. Also treats infected wounds. It is more effective than Ointment.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Gauze</b></td><td>Speeding up healing of brute damage. Also stops external wounds from bleeding.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Advanced Trauma Kit</b></td><td>Increases the speed of healing for brute damage and stops external wounds from bleeding. It is more effective than Gauze.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Syringe</b></td><td>Load it with medicines and administer them to people (5 units per injection by default, max 15 units). Take blood samples.</td><td><ul><li>Click on things/people to inject or draw.</li><li>Injecting or withdrawing from a bottle or beaker is five units per click by default, adjustable by right-clicking the syringe and selecting "set transfer amount".</li><li>Clicking on a patient while in Draw mode will, after a short delay, take a 15-unit blood sample.</li><li> If either of characters moves during it, injection fails.</li><li> To switch between draw/inject modes, click on the syringe in hand.</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Auto-Injector</b></td><td>A single-use 5-unit injector containing various medicines for use in emergencies.</td><td>Click on patient while holding the Injector. Injection is instant.</td></tr></table><h2>Medicine </h2><p>[[Guide to Chemistry|Medicines]] are the true lifeblood of Medical as a department. There are medications available for all but the most severe of injuries: medications that will stitch your flesh back together, or salve your burns, or supply oxygen to your brain, or repair damaged organs, or cleanse toxins from your system. All of them are incredibly useful, and with a proper supply of medication, Medical should be able to save practically anyone that they can reach prior to death, no matter how intense the injury.</p><p>Unfortunately, only a small number of medications come readily available in the Infirmary vending machines. Most of them have to be made by hand by the [[Chemist]] in the Chemistry Lab.</p><p>Some of the more important medications are:</p><ul><li><b>Inaprovaline</b>: Go-to stabilization chemical. Has various effects, most important being slowing down rate at which brain takes damage from low oxygenation. Mixes with Dylovene to make Tricordrazine</li><li><b>Dylovene</b>: A general purpose anti-toxin that will cleanse various poisonous substances from the blood stream. Your go-to answer for toxins of any type. It also heals the liver very slightly, assuming that it isn't already dead. Mixes with Inaprovaline to make Tricordrazine.</li><li><b>Bicaridine</b>: Treats brute damage, Meraline is just a stronger version Bicaridine.</li><li><b>Kelotane</b>, <b>Dermaline</b>: All treat burn damage. Dermaline is just stronger Kelotane.</li><li><b>Dexalin</b> and <b>Dexalin Plus</b>: Will supply blood with oxygen, regardless of if lungs work or no. Incredibly useful for stabilizing patients whose lungs have failed, but still requires blood flow.</li><li><b>Tramadol</b>: Strong painkiller, useful to prevent pain shock in patients. </li><li><b>Alkysine</b>: Repairs brain damage if oxygenation is good (85%+). Causes intermittent blackouts and confusion in the patient.</li></ul><h2>[[File:IV Drip.png|frameless]]IV Drip </h2><p>Technically, these can be used to provide a slow, steady feed of any given chemical into a patient's bloodstream, but most of the time you'll just be using them to perform blood transfusions on patients who have lost a lot of blood.</p><ul><li><b>Hooking/unhooking patient:</b> Click and drag the IV's sprite onto the patient.</li><li><b>Loading chemicals:</b> Click on an unloaded IV with the chemical container in hand.</li><li><b>Unloading chemicals:</b> Click on a loaded IV with an empty hand.</li><li><b>Changing modes:</b> To change modes between feeding chemicals into or extracting blood from the patient (for blood donations, usually), right click on the IV and use Toggle Mode option.</li><li><b>Changing amount transferred:</b> To amount of chemicals transferred per cycle, right click on the IV and use Set IV transfer amount option.</li><li>Keep in mind that leaving the patient hooked up to an extracting IV for too long will result in major blood loss, which will result in brain damage.</li> </ul><p>You can also use the IV bags in similar way - they must be held in hand to continue working, and cannot extract blood.</p><h2>[[File:Roller bed tucked.png|frameless]]Roller Bed  </h2><p>Also known as stretchers. Used to transport patients quickly and safely. Patients can be buckled or unbuckled from the bed as per usual for beds and chairs, but this bed can be pulled and pushed around while someone's lying on it. It can also be folded up for a Medical Technician to carry it around, if necessary.</p><p>It has an IV stand and can be used to give an IV drip. Transfer amount must be set on the bag itself.</p><p>It can also be used for ghetto surgery in a pinch.</p><ul><li><b>Buckling Patient:</b> Drag the patient on top of the unfolded bed, click and drag from patient to bed.</li><li><b>Unbuckling:</b> Click on the bed.</li><li><b>Folding:</b> Click and drag roller bed sprite to your character.</li><li><b>Unfolding:</b> Click on the folded bed in your hand. </li><li><b>Loading an IV:</b> Click on the bed with an IV.  </li><li><b>Removing an IV:</b> Click on the bed with the IV.</li><li><b>Hooking/unhooking patient IV:</b> Drag the IV sprite in the corner of the bed onto the patient to start the drip.</li></ul><h2>[[File:Auto compressor.png|frameless]]Auto-Compressor  </h2><p>Also known as an auto-CPR machine. This device will try to keep blood pumping even if the heart has stopped or is too damaged to do its job. It won't restart the heart and is slightly less efficient than manual CPR, but it will help keep the patient alive.</p><p>To work, it must be put on the patient's suit inventory slot. You can click the patient with it in hand to quickly put it on.</p><p>It requires at least Basic Anatomy and Medicine skill to safely use. Otherwise, it can damage the ribcage</p><h2> Stasis</h2><p>Some things - namely cryo, stasis bags, cryopods or just extreme cold apply 'stasis'. It's an effect that slows down your metabolism by some factor, in essence making you 'tick' only every so often instead of normal frequency. It can be extremely useful in medical to buy some time for patients who are bad off, but not the worst off, or when medical help is unavailable and you need more time to get to it.</p><p>It slows down processing of everything inside the patient - bleeding, chemicals (both good and bad), infections, any organ damage side effects.</p><p>Higher stasis factors (15x or more) will also make patient fall asleep eventually, and all of them will make them drowsy.</p><h2>Stasis Bag  </h2><p>Stasis bags are found in the medical storage inside a locker.</p><p>The ultimate "oh shit" button in Medical. When a patient is critical and you absolutely cannot get them treatment in time, have them lie on the floor and click on this bag while it's in your hand and you're standing over them. Then click the bag to open it, click again to close, and voila - one stasis'd patient. This will slow down their metabolism until it's opened again. They start at 20x slowdown, and deteriorate with time, turning 25% worse every 5 minutes - 20x to 15x to 11x and so on until fully depleted in 40 minutes.</p><p>Patients in stasis bags can also be injected through the bag itself by clicking on the bag with a syringe in hand. This allows you to dose the patient with important medications like inaprovaline prior to removing them.</p><p>This makes Stasis Bags incredibly useful for emergency retrievals and ensuring that patients have more time to get treatment. In a crisis situation, these things are worth their weight in gold. For example, if patient would have died in a minute, at maximum power stasis bag he would last 20 instead.</p><ul><li> Slows down metabolism (breathing, bleeding, chemicals in blood, etc.)</li><li>No IC skills required (one of the few devices that are ICly as simple to use as OOCly)</li></ul><h2>Defibrillator </h2><p>Your answer to all cases of cardiac arrest. It has to be worn on your back and requires both hands free in order to wield the paddles. Place it on your back slot, then click it to take the paddles in your hands. Click the patient with the paddles at the ready, in <b>help intent</b>, and aiming at the chest area in order to try and jump-start their heart.</p><p>Do note that this won't actually fix anything about the heart itself. If it's damaged, it'll stay damaged, and if the patient is out of blood, they'll still be out of blood. Unless you want their heart to fail again immediately, be sure to fix the issue that caused the cardiac arrest in the first place before resuscitating them.</p><ul><li>Used to restart a stopped heart.</li><li> Uses a standard power cell that can be removed with a screwdriver and upgraded. </li></ul><h2> Other Equipment</h2><ul><li> <b>Medical Wardrobe</b> - Contains different uniforms for different sections of Med-bay, as well as different colored surgical scrubs.</li><li> <b>Medical Belts</b> - Can be loaded with medications and tools, such as syringes and health analyzers, for easy access.</li><li> <b>Medical Kits</b> - There are many different kinds, each containing their respective type of emergency pouches. More can be ordered from cargo.</li><li><b>Syringe Gun</b> - Can be loaded with a single syringe that can be shot at a person from a distance.</li><li><b>Prescription Glasses</b> - For helping those who can't see good and wanna learn do other stuff good too. Also contains prescription meson glasses and sunglasses.</li><li> <b>Space Cleaner</b> - Can be fired ahead three tiles to help clean up the inevitable mess that Med-bay becomes.</li><li><b>Sterilizine</b> - Essentially space cleaner, removes blood on surgery tables.</li><li><b>Body Bags</b> - Used for storing dead bodies in. Can be labeled with a pen.</li><li> <b>Sink</b> - Use this to wash your dirty, dirty germ covered hands. </li><li> <b>Mass Spectrometer</b> - Used for testing toxins in a patient's blood.</li><li><b>Laser Scalpel</b> - Made from science, makes surgery quicker by making the incision bloodless.</li><li><b>Incision Management System</b> - Made from science, makes surgery much quicker by automatically making an incision, clamping bleeders, and retracting it.</li></ul><h1>Machinery</h1><p>In addition to the other, more portable tools available to the doctors, there are a handful of less-mobile pieces of medical equipment in the Infirmary that may prove useful to you.</p><h2>Cryo Cell</h2><p>Used for supercooling both medication and patients. Usually, these will be loaded with Cryoxadone or Clonexadone, which are medications that must be extremely cold in order to have any effect. They are the controlled way of putting a patient into cold-induced stasis. At 80K temperature, the cryotube provides 20x stasis factor to most species ('''Note that this currently prevents most use of cryo cells for actual medical treatment, as patients barely tick while in cryo.''' Cryo cells are presently useful primarily as stasis tools.). Keep in mind that unless the tube has Cryoxadone or Clonexadone loaded, the <b>cold will damage the patient</b> as normal - those chems are what prevents it.</p><p>One of more niche uses is to repair genetic damage, as Clonexadone is an easy fix for that sort of thing. Occasionally, enterprising Chemists might load up the cryotubes with more complex medicinal mixtures that might give them a wider use, but this is uncommon and should not be relied upon.</p><p>Cryo starts out warm and has to be set up, and is useless until it's cold and loaded with medicine. Since it's the patient's body temperature that determines whether Cryoxadone and Clonexadone work, you won't get very fast results until the cryo tube is cold enough to quickly freeze the patient. Remove their space suits, or they would not be able to be chilled enough for medicine to work.</p><p>Once a patient is inside the cryotube, click on it to open its control interface and monitor your patient's health.</p><p><b>Setting Up Cryo</b></p><ol> <li>Make sure the oxygen canister is connected to the cryo tubes. If it isn't (it should be, as it starts out connected), use a wrench on the&nbsp;O2 canister to secure it. </li><li>Take a nearby beaker filled with Cryoxadone and then click on an empty cryotube to load the beaker into the cell. Note that Clonexadone is exactly the same, but better, and should be used when possible. Get some from the Pharmacist. Faster still is a combination of Clonexadone and Cryoxadone. Some Pharmacists make their own custom mixes.</li><li>Set the freezer's <b>Target gas temperature</b> to approximately 80 degrees.</li><li>Set the freezer to <b>On</b>. </li></ol><p><b>Using Cryo</b></p><ol> <li>If patient is wearing any suit that protects from cold (i.e. space suit), remove it.</li><li>Grab the patient.</li><li> Click on one of the cells to place the patient inside and set the <b>Cryo status</b> to <b>On</b>.</li><li>If patient is not healing, either the patient is not cool enough inside the chamber, the beaker within the chamber has run out of chemicals, or the medicinal mix in the cryotube is incapable of treating the patient's injuries.</li><li> Click on the cryo cell to check on your patient. When satisfied with their recovery, you can eject the patient by pressing the Eject Occupant button.</li><li>Remember to turn <b>Cryo status</b> to <b>Off</b> to save oxygen and chemicals.</li> </ol><h2> Sleeper </h2><p>Sleepers are general-purpose medicinal units that can be used to apply a variety of basic medications. Since these are <i>basic</i> medications, however, they are rarely used for this; rather, their primary purpose is to perform dialysis or engage their stomach pump functions, which can both be used to remove a variety of toxic or otherwise dangerous substances from a patient's body.</p><p>Once a patient is loaded into the sleeper, click on it to open the controls for the sleeper.</p><ul><li> <b>Placing patient in:</b> Click and drag the patient onto the sleeper. </li><li><b>Getting patient out:</b> Press the Eject Occupant button on the sleeper interface screen.</li><li><b>Dialysis:</b> Once the patient is inside, click 'Start Dialysis'. Dialysis filters out blood (watch for low blood counts causing brain damage), with the added bonus of pulling out any chemicals in the patient's bloodstream with it. This treatment should be used when you believe someone to be overdosing or to be poisoned. The beaker inside the sleeper will fill with the mixture of blood and filtered chemicals. To retrieve the beaker (potentially to let the Chemist examine the mixture and find out what the patient was poisoned with), press the Eject Beaker button on the sleeper's control screen.</li><li><b>Stomach pump: </b>Similar to dialysis, but for chemicals in the stomach, as dialysis won't get those.</li><li><b>Stasis: </b>Sleepers have some limited stasis capability, with 3x, 5x or 10x factors settable. Keep in mind that while in stasis, beneficial medicine is processed more slowly. Power usage will also increase dramatically at higher factors.</li></ul><p><b>Sleeper Chemicals</b></p><ul><li><b>Inaprovaline</b> - Slows bleeding, stabilizes heart rate, and slows down the rate of brain damage. Also acts as a weak painkiller.</li><li><b>Paracetamol</b> - A slightly stronger painkiller than Inaprovaline.</li><li><b>Dylovene</b> - Cleanses toxins from the blood. Also slightly heals damage to the liver. </li><li><b>Dexalin</b> - Supplies artificial oxygen to the brain.</li></ul><p>When upgraded by science staff, Sleepers also contain:</p><ul> <li><b>Kelotane</b> - Heals burns, albeit slower than Dermaline.</li><li><b>Hyronalin</b> - Treats radiation poisoning.</li></ul><h2> Suit Sensors Monitoring Console</h2><p>Located in the infirmary lobby, the suit sensors monitoring console is your advance warning system. It's really just a program available to most computers, but it's primarily used by Medical personnel and is very handy for locating patients in need.</p><p>The sensor console can give a readout of any crew member's pulse, blood oxygenation, body temperature, and location, so long as they enable their suit sensors. Be sure to remind them to do this, and keep one eye on the monitoring console at all times in order to catch injuries as they occur and more efficiently dispatch your Medical Technicians to where they need to be.</p><h1>Procedures</h1><p>Beyond simply using the tools available to you, there are a variety of medical procedures that you can perform on your patients in order to help heal them.</p><h2>CPR </h2><p>If a patient's heart has stopped, there's no blood flow going to the brain. This can quickly result in brain death, and obviously should be corrected as quickly as possible, as mentioned above. However, if, for some reason, immediate resuscitation is not possible, CPR is a good way to extend a patient's life. Every time you perform CPR on a patient, it counts as one breath with their lungs were properly working, it circulates blood a little no matter what state heart is in, and with some luck, you might be able to restart their heart. Don't be afraid to crack some ribs while you're at it, remember, if they died with ribs intact, you didn't try hard enough!</p><p>CPR consists of two parts - the chest compressions to kickstart the heart and the mouth to mouth resuscitation to give them air. To perform CPR on a patient, they must be in cardiac arrest, and for the mouth-to-mouth part, neither of you can be wearing a mask or other mouth covering. <b>Click on the patient with an empty hand while on help intent to perform CPR.</b> This requires both of you to remain still for a short period. This can be repeated as many times as necessary until treatment can be administered.</p><h2>Blood Transfusion [[File:IV Drip.png|frameless]]</h2><p>If a patient has lost a large amount of blood, they will require a blood transfusion to allow for full circulation and prevent further brain damage.</p><ul> <li>Prepare an IV drip with a blood bag containing an appropriate blood type (see below). If available, you should use NanoBlood, that is more efficient and does not care for blood types. You can order it in Cargo or have Chemist make some from plain blood.</li><li>Ensure that the IV drip is in Inject mode.</li><li>Attach the IV drip to the patient. </li><li>Monitor the patient's blood circulation via health analyzer.</li><li> If an IV drip is not available, injecting the patient with blood from a syringe is workable, if a slow and cumbersome, option, as is administering blood pills.</li><li>Iron and nutriment both speed up the patient's natural recovery of lost blood.</li></ul><h3>Blood Compatibility</h3><p>It's important to use right type, to avoid blood rejection and poisoning. Blood between two different species is never compatible, even if it shares the same colour. Nanoblood, which is made chemically can be given to any patient without fear of rejection, but donated blood should be reserved for members of the same species.</p><p>If there is no NanoBlood available, and no precise blood type match as an alternative, look for a replacement by these rules:</p><ul><li><b>Negative</b> can take <b>only negative</b>.</li><li><b>All</b> types can take <b>O</b>.</li><li> <b>A</b> can take <b>A</b>.</li><li><b>B</b> can take <b>B</b>.</li><li><b>AB</b> can take <b>A and B</b>.</li><li><b>O</b> can take <b>only O</b>.</li></ul><h3>Blood Compatibility Chart</h3><table><tr><th rowspan="2" style="text-align:center;">Receiver</th><th colspan="8" style="text-align:center;">Donor</th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;">O-</th><th style="text-align:center;">O+</th><th style="text-align:center;">B-</th><th style="text-align:center;">B+</th><th style="text-align:center;">A-</th><th style="text-align:center;">A+</th><th style="text-align:center;">AB-</th><th style="text-align:center;">AB+</th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>AB+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>AB-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>A+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>A-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>B+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>B-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>O+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>O-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr></table><h2> Dialysis &amp; Stomach Pump</h2><p>If the patient has undesirable chemicals in his blood or stomach, you can use the Sleeper to remove them. Make sure to pick appropriate function (Dialysis for chemicals in blood,
<table><tr><th style="text-align:center;">Цвет</th><th style="text-align:center;">Описание</th><th style="text-align:center;">Определение в игре</th><th style="text-align:center;">Тип лечения в реальном мире</th><th style="text-align:center;">Предлагаемое внутриигровое лечение</th></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(0, 0%, 0%);text-align:center;"><mark class="pen-red">Black</mark></td><td>Пациент мертв</td><td>У пациента мозговая смерть. Никакой мозговой активности.</td><td>Нет</td><td>Игнорируйте, пока не разберетесь со всеми живыми пациентами, затем отвезите в морг.</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(0, 75%, 60%);text-align:center;">Red</td><td>Пациент серьезно ранен и находится под угрозой смерти или недавно потерял сознание</td><td><ul><li>Критическое состояние (асистолия, остановка сердца)</li><li>Очень низкие показатели крови</li><li>Быстрое падение жизненных показателей</li><li>Повреждение жизненно важных органов (мозг/сердце/легкие)</li></ul></td><td>Немедленное лечение</td><td>Лечите их состояние как можно быстрее. Если невозможно оказать немедленную помощь (ИЛИ пока вы заняты, или нет вакцины), поместите их в стазис-пакет до тех пор, пока им не смогут помочь. Прежде чем приступить к углубленному лечению, стабилизируйте всех пациентов в критическом состоянии и перезапустите их сердце с помощью дефибриллятора, как только они смогут поддерживать сердцебиение.</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(60, 75%, 60%);text-align:center;"><mark class="marker-yellow">Yellow</mark></td><td>Пациент ранен, но ему не угрожает непосредственная угроза жизни</td><td><ul><li>Переломы костей</li><li>Незначительные повреждения органов</li><li>Кровоточащие или инфицированные (ранняя стадия) раны</li></ul></td><td>Отсроченное лечение</td><td>Начинайте лечение, как только состояние всех пациентов красной сортировки стабилизируется.</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:hsl(120, 75%, 60%);text-align:center;"><mark class="marker-green">Green</mark></td><td>У пациента легкие травмы или они отсутствуют, кровотечения нет</td><td></td><td>Минимальный/без лечения</td><td>Игнорировать до тех пор, пока не будет оказана помощь последнему пациенту желтой сортировки.</td></tr></table><h1>Conditions and Symptoms</h1><p>Main Article: [[List of Conditions and Symptoms]]</p><p>Now that you are familiar with the methods and methodology of making a diagnosis, it's time to take a look at the actual conditions that you will have to diagnose. You can use the article above to find a list of symptoms, conditions and how to treat them.</p><h1>Tools</h1><p>Some of these tools require at least the Basic level of the [[Guide to Skills|Medicine Skill]] to use safely, or perform better at higher skill levels.</p><h2>Basic Tools</h2><p>These are the most basic implements available to you. While their uses are specific and will not cover all the patients that you have to deal with, they're widely applicable, and having them within easy reach is never a bad thing.</p><table><tr><th style="text-align:center;">Tool</th><th style="text-align:center;">Purpose</th><th style="text-align:center;">Usage</th></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Ointment</b></td><td>Speeding up healing of burns. Also can be used to treat infected wounds, or to prevent wounds from becoming infected to begin with.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Advanced Burn Kit</b></td><td>Speeds up the healing process of burns. Also treats infected wounds. It is more effective than Ointment.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Gauze</b></td><td>Speeding up healing of brute damage. Also stops external wounds from bleeding.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Advanced Trauma Kit</b></td><td>Increases the speed of healing for brute damage and stops external wounds from bleeding. It is more effective than Gauze.</td><td>Target damaged body part and click on patient.</td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Syringe</b></td><td>Load it with medicines and administer them to people (5 units per injection by default, max 15 units). Take blood samples.</td><td><ul><li>Click on things/people to inject or draw.</li><li>Injecting or withdrawing from a bottle or beaker is five units per click by default, adjustable by right-clicking the syringe and selecting "set transfer amount".</li><li>Clicking on a patient while in Draw mode will, after a short delay, take a 15-unit blood sample.</li><li> If either of characters moves during it, injection fails.</li><li> To switch between draw/inject modes, click on the syringe in hand.</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;"><b>Auto-Injector</b></td><td>A single-use 5-unit injector containing various medicines for use in emergencies.</td><td>Click on patient while holding the Injector. Injection is instant.</td></tr></table><h2>Medicine </h2><p>[[Guide to Chemistry|Medicines]] are the true lifeblood of Medical as a department. There are medications available for all but the most severe of injuries: medications that will stitch your flesh back together, or salve your burns, or supply oxygen to your brain, or repair damaged organs, or cleanse toxins from your system. All of them are incredibly useful, and with a proper supply of medication, Medical should be able to save practically anyone that they can reach prior to death, no matter how intense the injury.</p><p>Unfortunately, only a small number of medications come readily available in the Infirmary vending machines. Most of them have to be made by hand by the [[Chemist]] in the Chemistry Lab.</p><p>Some of the more important medications are:</p><ul><li><b>Inaprovaline</b>: Go-to stabilization chemical. Has various effects, most important being slowing down rate at which brain takes damage from low oxygenation. Mixes with Dylovene to make Tricordrazine</li><li><b>Dylovene</b>: A general purpose anti-toxin that will cleanse various poisonous substances from the blood stream. Your go-to answer for toxins of any type. It also heals the liver very slightly, assuming that it isn't already dead. Mixes with Inaprovaline to make Tricordrazine.</li><li><b>Bicaridine</b>: Treats brute damage, Meraline is just a stronger version Bicaridine.</li><li><b>Kelotane</b>, <b>Dermaline</b>: All treat burn damage. Dermaline is just stronger Kelotane.</li><li><b>Dexalin</b> and <b>Dexalin Plus</b>: Will supply blood with oxygen, regardless of if lungs work or no. Incredibly useful for stabilizing patients whose lungs have failed, but still requires blood flow.</li><li><b>Tramadol</b>: Strong painkiller, useful to prevent pain shock in patients. </li><li><b>Alkysine</b>: Repairs brain damage if oxygenation is good (85%+). Causes intermittent blackouts and confusion in the patient.</li></ul><h2>[[File:IV Drip.png|frameless]]IV Drip </h2><p>Technically, these can be used to provide a slow, steady feed of any given chemical into a patient's bloodstream, but most of the time you'll just be using them to perform blood transfusions on patients who have lost a lot of blood.</p><ul><li><b>Hooking/unhooking patient:</b> Click and drag the IV's sprite onto the patient.</li><li><b>Loading chemicals:</b> Click on an unloaded IV with the chemical container in hand.</li><li><b>Unloading chemicals:</b> Click on a loaded IV with an empty hand.</li><li><b>Changing modes:</b> To change modes between feeding chemicals into or extracting blood from the patient (for blood donations, usually), right click on the IV and use Toggle Mode option.</li><li><b>Changing amount transferred:</b> To amount of chemicals transferred per cycle, right click on the IV and use Set IV transfer amount option.</li><li>Keep in mind that leaving the patient hooked up to an extracting IV for too long will result in major blood loss, which will result in brain damage.</li> </ul><p>You can also use the IV bags in similar way - they must be held in hand to continue working, and cannot extract blood.</p><h2>[[File:Roller bed tucked.png|frameless]]Roller Bed  </h2><p>Also known as stretchers. Used to transport patients quickly and safely. Patients can be buckled or unbuckled from the bed as per usual for beds and chairs, but this bed can be pulled and pushed around while someone's lying on it. It can also be folded up for a Medical Technician to carry it around, if necessary.</p><p>It has an IV stand and can be used to give an IV drip. Transfer amount must be set on the bag itself.</p><p>It can also be used for ghetto surgery in a pinch.</p><ul><li><b>Buckling Patient:</b> Drag the patient on top of the unfolded bed, click and drag from patient to bed.</li><li><b>Unbuckling:</b> Click on the bed.</li><li><b>Folding:</b> Click and drag roller bed sprite to your character.</li><li><b>Unfolding:</b> Click on the folded bed in your hand. </li><li><b>Loading an IV:</b> Click on the bed with an IV.  </li><li><b>Removing an IV:</b> Click on the bed with the IV.</li><li><b>Hooking/unhooking patient IV:</b> Drag the IV sprite in the corner of the bed onto the patient to start the drip.</li></ul><h2>[[File:Auto compressor.png|frameless]]Auto-Compressor  </h2><p>Also known as an auto-CPR machine. This device will try to keep blood pumping even if the heart has stopped or is too damaged to do its job. It won't restart the heart and is slightly less efficient than manual CPR, but it will help keep the patient alive.</p><p>To work, it must be put on the patient's suit inventory slot. You can click the patient with it in hand to quickly put it on.</p><p>It requires at least Basic Anatomy and Medicine skill to safely use. Otherwise, it can damage the ribcage</p><h2> Stasis</h2><p>Some things - namely cryo, stasis bags, cryopods or just extreme cold apply 'stasis'. It's an effect that slows down your metabolism by some factor, in essence making you 'tick' only every so often instead of normal frequency. It can be extremely useful in medical to buy some time for patients who are bad off, but not the worst off, or when medical help is unavailable and you need more time to get to it.</p><p>It slows down processing of everything inside the patient - bleeding, chemicals (both good and bad), infections, any organ damage side effects.</p><p>Higher stasis factors (15x or more) will also make patient fall asleep eventually, and all of them will make them drowsy.</p><h2>Stasis Bag  </h2><p>Stasis bags are found in the medical storage inside a locker.</p><p>The ultimate "oh shit" button in Medical. When a patient is critical and you absolutely cannot get them treatment in time, have them lie on the floor and click on this bag while it's in your hand and you're standing over them. Then click the bag to open it, click again to close, and voila - one stasis'd patient. This will slow down their metabolism until it's opened again. They start at 20x slowdown, and deteriorate with time, turning 25% worse every 5 minutes - 20x to 15x to 11x and so on until fully depleted in 40 minutes.</p><p>Patients in stasis bags can also be injected through the bag itself by clicking on the bag with a syringe in hand. This allows you to dose the patient with important medications like inaprovaline prior to removing them.</p><p>This makes Stasis Bags incredibly useful for emergency retrievals and ensuring that patients have more time to get treatment. In a crisis situation, these things are worth their weight in gold. For example, if patient would have died in a minute, at maximum power stasis bag he would last 20 instead.</p><ul><li> Slows down metabolism (breathing, bleeding, chemicals in blood, etc.)</li><li>No IC skills required (one of the few devices that are ICly as simple to use as OOCly)</li></ul><h2>Defibrillator </h2><p>Your answer to all cases of cardiac arrest. It has to be worn on your back and requires both hands free in order to wield the paddles. Place it on your back slot, then click it to take the paddles in your hands. Click the patient with the paddles at the ready, in <b>help intent</b>, and aiming at the chest area in order to try and jump-start their heart.</p><p>Do note that this won't actually fix anything about the heart itself. If it's damaged, it'll stay damaged, and if the patient is out of blood, they'll still be out of blood. Unless you want their heart to fail again immediately, be sure to fix the issue that caused the cardiac arrest in the first place before resuscitating them.</p><ul><li>Used to restart a stopped heart.</li><li> Uses a standard power cell that can be removed with a screwdriver and upgraded. </li></ul><h2> Other Equipment</h2><ul><li> <b>Medical Wardrobe</b> - Contains different uniforms for different sections of Med-bay, as well as different colored surgical scrubs.</li><li> <b>Medical Belts</b> - Can be loaded with medications and tools, such as syringes and health analyzers, for easy access.</li><li> <b>Medical Kits</b> - There are many different kinds, each containing their respective type of emergency pouches. More can be ordered from cargo.</li><li><b>Syringe Gun</b> - Can be loaded with a single syringe that can be shot at a person from a distance.</li><li><b>Prescription Glasses</b> - For helping those who can't see good and wanna learn do other stuff good too. Also contains prescription meson glasses and sunglasses.</li><li> <b>Space Cleaner</b> - Can be fired ahead three tiles to help clean up the inevitable mess that Med-bay becomes.</li><li><b>Sterilizine</b> - Essentially space cleaner, removes blood on surgery tables.</li><li><b>Body Bags</b> - Used for storing dead bodies in. Can be labeled with a pen.</li><li> <b>Sink</b> - Use this to wash your dirty, dirty germ covered hands. </li><li> <b>Mass Spectrometer</b> - Used for testing toxins in a patient's blood.</li><li><b>Laser Scalpel</b> - Made from science, makes surgery quicker by making the incision bloodless.</li><li><b>Incision Management System</b> - Made from science, makes surgery much quicker by automatically making an incision, clamping bleeders, and retracting it.</li></ul><h1>Machinery</h1><p>In addition to the other, more portable tools available to the doctors, there are a handful of less-mobile pieces of medical equipment in the Infirmary that may prove useful to you.</p><h2>Cryo Cell</h2><p>Used for supercooling both medication and patients. Usually, these will be loaded with Cryoxadone or Clonexadone, which are medications that must be extremely cold in order to have any effect. They are the controlled way of putting a patient into cold-induced stasis. At 80K temperature, the cryotube provides 20x stasis factor to most species ('''Note that this currently prevents most use of cryo cells for actual medical treatment, as patients barely tick while in cryo.''' Cryo cells are presently useful primarily as stasis tools.). Keep in mind that unless the tube has Cryoxadone or Clonexadone loaded, the <b>cold will damage the patient</b> as normal - those chems are what prevents it.</p><p>One of more niche uses is to repair genetic damage, as Clonexadone is an easy fix for that sort of thing. Occasionally, enterprising Chemists might load up the cryotubes with more complex medicinal mixtures that might give them a wider use, but this is uncommon and should not be relied upon.</p><p>Cryo starts out warm and has to be set up, and is useless until it's cold and loaded with medicine. Since it's the patient's body temperature that determines whether Cryoxadone and Clonexadone work, you won't get very fast results until the cryo tube is cold enough to quickly freeze the patient. Remove their space suits, or they would not be able to be chilled enough for medicine to work.</p><p>Once a patient is inside the cryotube, click on it to open its control interface and monitor your patient's health.</p><p><b>Setting Up Cryo</b></p><ol> <li>Make sure the oxygen canister is connected to the cryo tubes. If it isn't (it should be, as it starts out connected), use a wrench on the&nbsp;O2 canister to secure it. </li><li>Take a nearby beaker filled with Cryoxadone and then click on an empty cryotube to load the beaker into the cell. Note that Clonexadone is exactly the same, but better, and should be used when possible. Get some from the Pharmacist. Faster still is a combination of Clonexadone and Cryoxadone. Some Pharmacists make their own custom mixes.</li><li>Set the freezer's <b>Target gas temperature</b> to approximately 80 degrees.</li><li>Set the freezer to <b>On</b>. </li></ol><p><b>Using Cryo</b></p><ol> <li>If patient is wearing any suit that protects from cold (i.e. space suit), remove it.</li><li>Grab the patient.</li><li> Click on one of the cells to place the patient inside and set the <b>Cryo status</b> to <b>On</b>.</li><li>If patient is not healing, either the patient is not cool enough inside the chamber, the beaker within the chamber has run out of chemicals, or the medicinal mix in the cryotube is incapable of treating the patient's injuries.</li><li> Click on the cryo cell to check on your patient. When satisfied with their recovery, you can eject the patient by pressing the Eject Occupant button.</li><li>Remember to turn <b>Cryo status</b> to <b>Off</b> to save oxygen and chemicals.</li> </ol><h2> Sleeper </h2><p>Sleepers are general-purpose medicinal units that can be used to apply a variety of basic medications. Since these are <i>basic</i> medications, however, they are rarely used for this; rather, their primary purpose is to perform dialysis or engage their stomach pump functions, which can both be used to remove a variety of toxic or otherwise dangerous substances from a patient's body.</p><p>Once a patient is loaded into the sleeper, click on it to open the controls for the sleeper.</p><ul><li> <b>Placing patient in:</b> Click and drag the patient onto the sleeper. </li><li><b>Getting patient out:</b> Press the Eject Occupant button on the sleeper interface screen.</li><li><b>Dialysis:</b> Once the patient is inside, click 'Start Dialysis'. Dialysis filters out blood (watch for low blood counts causing brain damage), with the added bonus of pulling out any chemicals in the patient's bloodstream with it. This treatment should be used when you believe someone to be overdosing or to be poisoned. The beaker inside the sleeper will fill with the mixture of blood and filtered chemicals. To retrieve the beaker (potentially to let the Chemist examine the mixture and find out what the patient was poisoned with), press the Eject Beaker button on the sleeper's control screen.</li><li><b>Stomach pump: </b>Similar to dialysis, but for chemicals in the stomach, as dialysis won't get those.</li><li><b>Stasis: </b>Sleepers have some limited stasis capability, with 3x, 5x or 10x factors settable. Keep in mind that while in stasis, beneficial medicine is processed more slowly. Power usage will also increase dramatically at higher factors.</li></ul><p><b>Sleeper Chemicals</b></p><ul><li><b>Inaprovaline</b> - Slows bleeding, stabilizes heart rate, and slows down the rate of brain damage. Also acts as a weak painkiller.</li><li><b>Paracetamol</b> - A slightly stronger painkiller than Inaprovaline.</li><li><b>Dylovene</b> - Cleanses toxins from the blood. Also slightly heals damage to the liver. </li><li><b>Dexalin</b> - Supplies artificial oxygen to the brain.</li></ul><p>When upgraded by science staff, Sleepers also contain:</p><ul> <li><b>Kelotane</b> - Heals burns, albeit slower than Dermaline.</li><li><b>Hyronalin</b> - Treats radiation poisoning.</li></ul><h2> Suit Sensors Monitoring Console</h2><p>Located in the infirmary lobby, the suit sensors monitoring console is your advance warning system. It's really just a program available to most computers, but it's primarily used by Medical personnel and is very handy for locating patients in need.</p><p>The sensor console can give a readout of any crew member's pulse, blood oxygenation, body temperature, and location, so long as they enable their suit sensors. Be sure to remind them to do this, and keep one eye on the monitoring console at all times in order to catch injuries as they occur and more efficiently dispatch your Medical Technicians to where they need to be.</p><h1>Procedures</h1><p>Beyond simply using the tools available to you, there are a variety of medical procedures that you can perform on your patients in order to help heal them.</p><h2>CPR </h2><p>If a patient's heart has stopped, there's no blood flow going to the brain. This can quickly result in brain death, and obviously should be corrected as quickly as possible, as mentioned above. However, if, for some reason, immediate resuscitation is not possible, CPR is a good way to extend a patient's life. Every time you perform CPR on a patient, it counts as one breath with their lungs were properly working, it circulates blood a little no matter what state heart is in, and with some luck, you might be able to restart their heart. Don't be afraid to crack some ribs while you're at it, remember, if they died with ribs intact, you didn't try hard enough!</p><p>CPR consists of two parts - the chest compressions to kickstart the heart and the mouth to mouth resuscitation to give them air. To perform CPR on a patient, they must be in cardiac arrest, and for the mouth-to-mouth part, neither of you can be wearing a mask or other mouth covering. <b>Click on the patient with an empty hand while on help intent to perform CPR.</b> This requires both of you to remain still for a short period. This can be repeated as many times as necessary until treatment can be administered.</p><h2>Blood Transfusion [[File:IV Drip.png|frameless]]</h2><p>If a patient has lost a large amount of blood, they will require a blood transfusion to allow for full circulation and prevent further brain damage.</p><ul> <li>Prepare an IV drip with a blood bag containing an appropriate blood type (see below). If available, you should use NanoBlood, that is more efficient and does not care for blood types. You can order it in Cargo or have Chemist make some from plain blood.</li><li>Ensure that the IV drip is in Inject mode.</li><li>Attach the IV drip to the patient. </li><li>Monitor the patient's blood circulation via health analyzer.</li><li> If an IV drip is not available, injecting the patient with blood from a syringe is workable, if a slow and cumbersome, option, as is administering blood pills.</li><li>Iron and nutriment both speed up the patient's natural recovery of lost blood.</li></ul><h3>Blood Compatibility</h3><p>It's important to use right type, to avoid blood rejection and poisoning. Blood between two different species is never compatible, even if it shares the same colour. Nanoblood, which is made chemically can be given to any patient without fear of rejection, but donated blood should be reserved for members of the same species.</p><p>If there is no NanoBlood available, and no precise blood type match as an alternative, look for a replacement by these rules:</p><ul><li><b>Negative</b> can take <b>only negative</b>.</li><li><b>All</b> types can take <b>O</b>.</li><li> <b>A</b> can take <b>A</b>.</li><li><b>B</b> can take <b>B</b>.</li><li><b>AB</b> can take <b>A and B</b>.</li><li><b>O</b> can take <b>only O</b>.</li></ul><h3>Blood Compatibility Chart</h3><table><tr><th rowspan="2" style="text-align:center;">Receiver</th><th colspan="8" style="text-align:center;">Donor</th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;">O-</th><th style="text-align:center;">O+</th><th style="text-align:center;">B-</th><th style="text-align:center;">B+</th><th style="text-align:center;">A-</th><th style="text-align:center;">A+</th><th style="text-align:center;">AB-</th><th style="text-align:center;">AB+</th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>AB+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>AB-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>A+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>A-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>B+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>B-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>O+</b></th><th>+</th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr><tr><th style="text-align:center;"><b>O-</b></th><th>+</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr></table><h2> Dialysis &amp; Stomach Pump</h2><p>If the patient has undesirable chemicals in his blood or stomach, you can use the Sleeper to remove them. Make sure to pick appropriate function (Dialysis for chemicals in blood,

Версия от 08:15, 13 февраля 2024


Медицина — это прерогатива преданных своему делу медицинских работников Фонда, и в основном это то, чем они пытаются заниматься, избегая множества несчастных необразованных придурков, которые засоряют лазарет. Теоретически, работа врача на Космической станции 13 предполагает роль благородного врача, заботящегося о жизни и здоровье всех остальных членов экипажа. На практике это означает наводить порядок после беспорядков, которые устраивают себе другие отделы, латать идиотов, чтобы они могли снова выйти и навредить себе, и делать все возможное, чтобы игнорировать немедицинскую команду, которая думает, что они знают вашу работу лучше, чем вы.


Все в вашем теле вращается вокруг мозга. Пока ваш мозг не мертв, вы не мертвы. Все остальное предназначено только для того, чтобы мозг оставался живым, и тяжесть любой травмы является прямым показателем того, насколько большую угрозу она представляет для мозга.

Ваш мозг – и, аналогично, мозг ваших пациентов – изначально имеет целостность 100%. Определенные типы эффектов могут привести к снижению целостности вашего мозга. Когда он достигает 0%, вы теряете мозги — и пути назад уже нет.

Вещи, которые представляют наибольшую угрозу для вашего мозга (в примерном порядке и их распространенности на борту этого корабля):

  1. Недостаток кислорода.
  2. Прямой физический вред мозгу.
  3. Токсины в кровотоке.

Недостаток кислорода может быть вызван многими причинами – воздействием вакуума, отравлением лексорином и другими ядами. Однако наиболее распространенной причиной этого является потеря крови.

С другой стороны, даже если ваш мозг получает достаточно крови и даже если она полона кислорода, токсины в вашей крови все равно довольно быстро разъедают ваши нейроны. Ваша первая линия защиты от этого — ваша печень, а почки выполняют резервную функцию, но вам все равно придется выводить токсины из крови любыми способами и как можно быстрее. Для получения дополнительной информации см. «Органы и токсины» ниже.

И, наконец, то, что кто-то выстрелит вам в мозг, очевидно, также не пойдет на пользу целостности вашего мозга. Защитите свою голову, иначе она превратится в розовые брызги на стенах.

Потеря крови

Кислород в крови

Потеря крови вызывает недостаточность кислорода в организме и нарушение кровообращения, являются одними из наиболее распространенных угроз для мозга пациентов. С механической точки зрения, что в конечном итоге имеет значение, так это уровень кислорода в крови. Это числовое значение в диапазоне от 0% до 100%, определяемое:

  • Объемом крови: Восстановите кровь с помощью капельниц.
  • Доступ к кислороду: убедитесь, что у них есть воздух, пригодный для дыхания (проверьте, пусты ли их внутренние органы!). Дексалин (Плюс) тоже очень помогает.
  • Легкими и сердцем. Особенно опасно поврежденное сердце. Хирургия, криопробирки и перидаксон напрямую лечат органы.

При достижении менее 85% кислорода в крови ваш мозг начнет получать повреждения, и он будет получать повреждения все быстрее и быстрее, поскольку кислорода становится все меньше и меньше. Ниже 40% он начинает получать дополнительный урон.

Файл:Normal pulse.gifПульс

Если кислород в крови падает, частота пульса увеличивается, чтобы компенсировать это.

  • Выше 150 BPM, начнет повреждать ваше сердце.
  • Выше 250 BPM, может произойти остановка сердца.

Чтобы снизить пульс, используйте Инапровалин и/или Парацетамол/Трамадол/Оксикодон для облегчения боли.


Если сердце не бьется, то соответственно кровообращения нет. Кровообращение также снижается при повреждении сердца и может привести к снижению кислороду в крови даже при полном кислороде и полном объеме крови.

Остановка сердца

Иногда сердце просто не выдерживает и останавливается. Сильная боль также приведет к резкому увеличению пульса и может привести к остановке сердца. На это указывает плоская линия на вашем медицинском интерфейсе.

Если у кого-то остановка сердца, это приоритет номер один.

  • Если у вас когда-либо возникнут сомнения, что делать, поместите пациента в стазис-мешок. Вы можете отсканировать их с помощью анализатора здоровья и ввести нужные вещества шприцем, даже если мешок закрыт.
  • Во-первых, убедитесь, что сердце больше не остановится. Было ли это вызвано болью? Введите обезболивающие, затем воспользуйтесь дефибриллятором.
  • Это могло быть вызвано низким объемом крови - гиповолемическим шоком. Введите в них немного крови с помощью капельниц и перезапустите сердце с помощью дефибриллятора или сердечно-легочной реанимации.
  • Было ли это вызвано тяжелым повреждением сердца? Вы можете увидеть это, если кислород в крови у них опасно низок. Поместите их в стазис-мешок или криопробирку, скажите хирургу, что пациенту необходима немедленная операция, а затем принесите их..
  • Это могло быть вызвано недостатком кислорода, из-за которого сердце нарушило ритм. Перезапустите сердце с помощью дефибриллятора или сердечно-легочной реанимации. Если в них есть воздух, то всё. В противном случае введите Инапровалин для стабилизации пульса.
  • Если вы гражданский человек, пациент находится в хирургическом отделении или у вас просто нет дефибриллятора, проведите сердечно-легочную реанимацию.


Яд в вашей крови – исключительно плохая новость. Пока он там, он будет наносить постоянный урон вашим органам, включая мозг.

Токсины отфильтровываются вашей печенью. Как только она выйдет из строя, на очереди почки, и ваше тело останется без какой-либо защиты. Все остальные органы отключатся.

В случае токсинов:

  • Используйте диализ для удаления токсинов.
  • Примите Диловен (Dylovene). Выводит токсины и слегка оздоравливает печень.
  • Если это вызвано радиацией, используйте Гироналин (Hyronalin).
  • Исправьте печень и почки хирургическим путем, а также используя Перидаксон (Peridaxon), Аритразин (Arithrazine) или криопробирки(ИЗМЕНИТ НА ТО ЧТО ПРИДУМАЮ ПОЗЖЕ).

Некоторые токсины, такие как цианид (cyanide), еще более опасны, поскольку они нацелены на определенные органы и обходят защиту печени. Если их не лечить, они могут поразить мозг и чрезвычайно смертельны. Будьте готовы быстро отреагировать, если хотите иметь хоть какую-то надежду спасти пациента от этих супер ядов.


Медицинскому персоналу доступны разнообразные удобные инструменты. Знание того, какую информацию можно получить от каждого пациента и что вам необходимо знать больше всего, является ключом к быстрой и точной диагностике пациентов.

Твои глаза

Это то, о чем удивительное количество игроков, даже опытных, склонны забывать. Просто осмотрите пациента Shift + ЛКМ это может рассказать вам дать удивительную информацию об их состоянии, например:

  • Любые застрявшие предметы, такие как шрапнель или пули. Они не появляются на вашем портативном анализаторе.
  • Кровотечение и/или видимые раны.
  • Отсутствующие части тела.
  • Вывихнутые части тела.

Дополнительную информацию, например о сломанных костях, можно получить на ощупь. Нацельтесь на часть его тела, возьмите её (используя намерение захвата) и щелкните по ним с намерением помощи чтобы осмотреть эту часть. Это предоставит вам разнообразную информацию о состоянии конкретной конечности.

Анализатор здоровья

Анализатор здоровья лучший друг медика. Нажав на пациента с этим в руке, вы получите краткую информацию о его состоянии. Для получения полной информации рекомендуется иметь хотя бы базовый медицинский навык.

Результаты сверху вниз:

  1. Мозговая активность: Диапазон от нормы к угасание (не считая «Нет», что указывает на смерть мозга). Грубая мера уровня целостности мозга.
  2. Частота пульса: Tекущая частота сердечных сокращений. Все, что выше примерно 120 BPM, указывает на стресс и боль; 250 BPM или выше указывают на то, что сердце пациента близко к отказу.
  3. Артериальное давление: Норма для большинства пациентов (здоровых людей, а не Киборгов или IPC) будет примерно 120/80. Все, что ниже этого значения, обычно указывает на потерю крови. Также на этой линии находится сколько кислорода в крови. Дополнительную информацию смотрите выше. Все, что ниже 100%, указывает либо на кровопотерю, либо на легочную недостаточность, либо на повреждение сердца.
  4. Температура тела: Обычно около 38C или 98F (опять же, для здоровых людей). Все, что значительно выше или ниже, указывает на какую-то проблему или изменение, инфекцию или просто протезирование.
  5. Уровни радиации: Показатель того, сколько баллов радиации накопил пациент. Что-нибудь кроме «Радиация не обнаружена» должно быть немедленно исправлено.
  6. Специфическое повреждение конечностей: Этот пункт содержит информацию о внешних повреждениях, таких как ожоги и ушибы. Вы не увидите здесь точных цифр, но вам дано достаточно подсказок. Красный урон — грубый, оранжевый — ожог. Все, что отмечено [кровотечением-bleeding], следует перевязать как можно скорее. Ущерб, указанный как «непоправимый», не поддается лечению. Эти конечности придется ампутировать и заменить.
  7. Сканирование реагентов: Сканер также может сообщить вам, сколько единиц лекарства находится в кровотоке пациента, а также какие лекарства он, возможно, проглотил. Он также сообщит вам, есть ли в организме пациента немедицинские вещества, хотя и не сможет их идентифицировать..
  8. Переломы, внутреннее кровотечение и отказ органов: Ручной сканер сообщит вам, есть ли у пациента какое-либо из этих тяжелых состояний, хотя он не сможет сообщить вам подробности, например, какие органы отказали или какие артерии кровоточат. Если вы видите что-либо из этого, немедленно отведите пациента к усовершенствованному сканеру тела, чтобы увидеть, насколько плохи дела на самом деле.

Сканер тела

Сканер тела — это более мощная версия портативного анализатора здоровья. Пациентов приходится загружать в него вручную (перетаскиванием или с помощью захвата). Как только кто-то окажется внутри, нажмите на консоль рядом с ним и нажмите «(Повторно) просканировать пассажира». Вы можете использовать это для выявления отказавших или поврежденных органов, сломанных костей, разорванных артерий, незаконных имплантатов, генетической деградации или чего-либо еще, что ручной сканер не может идентифицировать самостоятельно. — это более мощная версия портативного анализатора здоровья. Пациентов приходится загружать в него вручную (перетаскиванием или с помощью захвата). Как только кто-то окажется внутри, нажмите на консоль рядом с ним и нажмите «(Повторно) просканировать пассажира». Вы можете использовать это для выявления отказавших или поврежденных органов, сломанных костей, разорванных артерий, незаконных имплантатов, генетической деградации или чего-либо еще, что ручной сканер не может идентифицировать самостоятельно.

Для правильной работы этого устройства требуется более высокий медицинский навык, чем для анализатора здоровья, он предоставляет полную информацию только на опытном уровне (медицины управление техникой анатомии????).

Вы также можете перенести скан на дисплеи, расположенные над операционными столами в операционных, или распечатать лист бумаги с результатами сканирования и принести его хирургу, чтобы он мог обратиться к нему при необходимости.

Медицинские очки

Медицинское подразделение имеет доступ к специальным очкам медицинским очкам, которые с первого взгляда расскажут вам несколько важных вещей о пациенте например:

Прямая ровная линия (без значка черепа) означает остановку сердца.

Стетоскоп и фонарик

Это два медицинских диагностических инструмента с чрезвычайно нишевым применением, но они могут быть полезны при выявлении странных или неуловимых состояний. Вы все равно, вероятно, никогда не будете их использовать.

  • Стетоскоп: Можно носить на комбинезоне в качестве дополнительного аксессуара. Когда вам нужно его использовать, держите его в руке, нацельтесь на грудь пациента и нажмите на него с намерением помочь. Это позволит выявить любые проблемы с сердцем или легкими.
  • Ручной фонарик: Можно хранить в медицинском поясе или на ухе. При необходимости нажмите на него в руке, чтобы включить свет, нацельтесь на глаза пациента и нажмите на них с намерением помочь. Это позволит вам следить за временем реакции их учеников, которая, если она медленнее обычного, может указывать на повреждение головного мозга, алкогольное или наркотическое опьянение или генетическую деградацию.

Сортировка, извлечение и критические пациенты

Сортировка — это искусство быстрой диагностики нескольких пациентов и определения приоритетности помощи тем, кто в ней нуждается больше всего. По сути, когда у вас несколько пациентов, осмотрите каждого из них как можно быстрее и выясните, кто из них, если таковые имеются, чертовски нуждаются в лечении прямо сейчас, и сосредоточьте внимание на них. Это жизненно важный навык в экстренных ситуациях, но даже при осмотре только одного или двух пациентов способность за несколько секунд определить, является ли их состояние особенно серьезным, является жизненно важным навыком, особенно для Медика, которым часто приходится применять этот навык в полевых условиях при доставке пациентов для транспортировки в лазарет.

Очевидно, это зависит от вашей способности быстро и точно диагностировать пациентов, поэтому ознакомьтесь с диагностическими инструментами, описанными выше, и научитесь их читать. Как только вы узнаете, как определить, что не так с каждым пациентом, это станет вопросом расстановки приоритетов. Любой пациент, перенесший остановку сердца, страдающий внутренним кровотечением, разрывом легких или органной недостаточностью, нуждается в немедленном лечении. Независимо от того, правда или нет что-либо из этого, основная идея сортировки заключается в следующем:

  1. Как можно быстрее обследуйте каждого потенциального пациента и сформулируйте диагноз каждому.
  2. Отсортируйте каждого пациента от наиболее критического к наименее критическому.
  3. Если возможно, стабилизируйте состояние наиболее критических пациентов и направьте их к более специализированным врачам, если таковые имеются, для полного лечения.
  4. Продвигайтесь вниз по списку, стабилизируя ситуацию и направляя каждого пациента к соответствующему врачу, пока пациентов не останется.

При работе в качестве медика знайте это может включать в себя дополнительный этап по доставке пациентов в лазарет. При работе с ранеными пациентами в полевых условиях после сортировки и выбора приоритетных случаев:

  1. Удалите себя и пациента от источника травмы, будь то космический карп, пропитанная Фороном одежда или предатель-убийца. Добавление себя в список жертв никому не поможет. Помещение их в спасательную сумку защитит их от агрессивной атмосферы..
  2. Stabilize the patient to the best of your ability before transporting them. Failing to do this may result in patient death during transport. Administering Inaprovaline, Tramadol and Dexalin Plus, bandaging bleeding wounds, attaching an auto-compressor, and so on are all helpful in this regard; prioritize stopping any external bleeding, preserving oxygen flow to the brain, and preventing the onset of shock. If the patient requires surgery, wait until after the surgery to administer Bicaridine or Tricordrazine. These will heal the incisions the surgeon makes on the patient, interrupting surgery.
  3. Use a roller bed to transport them to Medbay. If no roller beds are available, grab them using grab intent and move.
Помните, что состояние пациента значительно ухудшится, если его перетащить (ctrl+ЛКМ) с открытыми ранами, вместо этого хватайте!
ЦветОписаниеОпределение в игреТип лечения в реальном миреПредлагаемое внутриигровое лечение
BlackПациент мертвУ пациента мозговая смерть. Никакой мозговой активности.НетИгнорируйте, пока не разберетесь со всеми живыми пациентами, затем отвезите в морг.
RedПациент серьезно ранен и находится под угрозой смерти или недавно потерял сознание
  • Критическое состояние (асистолия, остановка сердца)
  • Очень низкие показатели крови
  • Быстрое падение жизненных показателей
  • Повреждение жизненно важных органов (мозг/сердце/легкие)
Немедленное лечениеЛечите их состояние как можно быстрее. Если невозможно оказать немедленную помощь (ИЛИ пока вы заняты, или нет вакцины), поместите их в стазис-пакет до тех пор, пока им не смогут помочь. Прежде чем приступить к углубленному лечению, стабилизируйте всех пациентов в критическом состоянии и перезапустите их сердце с помощью дефибриллятора, как только они смогут поддерживать сердцебиение.
YellowПациент ранен, но ему не угрожает непосредственная угроза жизни
  • Переломы костей
  • Незначительные повреждения органов
  • Кровоточащие или инфицированные (ранняя стадия) раны
Отсроченное лечениеНачинайте лечение, как только состояние всех пациентов красной сортировки стабилизируется.
GreenУ пациента легкие травмы или они отсутствуют, кровотечения нетМинимальный/без леченияИгнорировать до тех пор, пока не будет оказана помощь последнему пациенту желтой сортировки.

Conditions and Symptoms

Main Article: List of Conditions and Symptoms

Now that you are familiar with the methods and methodology of making a diagnosis, it's time to take a look at the actual conditions that you will have to diagnose. You can use the article above to find a list of symptoms, conditions and how to treat them.


Some of these tools require at least the Basic level of the Medicine Skill to use safely, or perform better at higher skill levels.

Basic Tools

These are the most basic implements available to you. While their uses are specific and will not cover all the patients that you have to deal with, they're widely applicable, and having them within easy reach is never a bad thing.

OintmentSpeeding up healing of burns. Also can be used to treat infected wounds, or to prevent wounds from becoming infected to begin with.Target damaged body part and click on patient.
Advanced Burn KitSpeeds up the healing process of burns. Also treats infected wounds. It is more effective than Ointment.Target damaged body part and click on patient.
GauzeSpeeding up healing of brute damage. Also stops external wounds from bleeding.Target damaged body part and click on patient.
Advanced Trauma KitIncreases the speed of healing for brute damage and stops external wounds from bleeding. It is more effective than Gauze.Target damaged body part and click on patient.
SyringeLoad it with medicines and administer them to people (5 units per injection by default, max 15 units). Take blood samples.
  • Click on things/people to inject or draw.
  • Injecting or withdrawing from a bottle or beaker is five units per click by default, adjustable by right-clicking the syringe and selecting "set transfer amount".
  • Clicking on a patient while in Draw mode will, after a short delay, take a 15-unit blood sample.
  • If either of characters moves during it, injection fails.
  • To switch between draw/inject modes, click on the syringe in hand.
Auto-InjectorA single-use 5-unit injector containing various medicines for use in emergencies.Click on patient while holding the Injector. Injection is instant.


Medicines are the true lifeblood of Medical as a department. There are medications available for all but the most severe of injuries: medications that will stitch your flesh back together, or salve your burns, or supply oxygen to your brain, or repair damaged organs, or cleanse toxins from your system. All of them are incredibly useful, and with a proper supply of medication, Medical should be able to save practically anyone that they can reach prior to death, no matter how intense the injury.

Unfortunately, only a small number of medications come readily available in the Infirmary vending machines. Most of them have to be made by hand by the Chemist in the Chemistry Lab.

Some of the more important medications are:

  • Inaprovaline: Go-to stabilization chemical. Has various effects, most important being slowing down rate at which brain takes damage from low oxygenation. Mixes with Dylovene to make Tricordrazine
  • Dylovene: A general purpose anti-toxin that will cleanse various poisonous substances from the blood stream. Your go-to answer for toxins of any type. It also heals the liver very slightly, assuming that it isn't already dead. Mixes with Inaprovaline to make Tricordrazine.
  • Bicaridine: Treats brute damage, Meraline is just a stronger version Bicaridine.
  • Kelotane, Dermaline: All treat burn damage. Dermaline is just stronger Kelotane.
  • Dexalin and Dexalin Plus: Will supply blood with oxygen, regardless of if lungs work or no. Incredibly useful for stabilizing patients whose lungs have failed, but still requires blood flow.
  • Tramadol: Strong painkiller, useful to prevent pain shock in patients.
  • Alkysine: Repairs brain damage if oxygenation is good (85%+). Causes intermittent blackouts and confusion in the patient.

IV Drip

Technically, these can be used to provide a slow, steady feed of any given chemical into a patient's bloodstream, but most of the time you'll just be using them to perform blood transfusions on patients who have lost a lot of blood.

  • Hooking/unhooking patient: Click and drag the IV's sprite onto the patient.
  • Loading chemicals: Click on an unloaded IV with the chemical container in hand.
  • Unloading chemicals: Click on a loaded IV with an empty hand.
  • Changing modes: To change modes between feeding chemicals into or extracting blood from the patient (for blood donations, usually), right click on the IV and use Toggle Mode option.
  • Changing amount transferred: To amount of chemicals transferred per cycle, right click on the IV and use Set IV transfer amount option.
  • Keep in mind that leaving the patient hooked up to an extracting IV for too long will result in major blood loss, which will result in brain damage.

You can also use the IV bags in similar way - they must be held in hand to continue working, and cannot extract blood.

Roller Bed

Also known as stretchers. Used to transport patients quickly and safely. Patients can be buckled or unbuckled from the bed as per usual for beds and chairs, but this bed can be pulled and pushed around while someone's lying on it. It can also be folded up for a Medical Technician to carry it around, if necessary.

It has an IV stand and can be used to give an IV drip. Transfer amount must be set on the bag itself.

It can also be used for ghetto surgery in a pinch.

  • Buckling Patient: Drag the patient on top of the unfolded bed, click and drag from patient to bed.
  • Unbuckling: Click on the bed.
  • Folding: Click and drag roller bed sprite to your character.
  • Unfolding: Click on the folded bed in your hand.
  • Loading an IV: Click on the bed with an IV.
  • Removing an IV: Click on the bed with the IV.
  • Hooking/unhooking patient IV: Drag the IV sprite in the corner of the bed onto the patient to start the drip.


Also known as an auto-CPR machine. This device will try to keep blood pumping even if the heart has stopped or is too damaged to do its job. It won't restart the heart and is slightly less efficient than manual CPR, but it will help keep the patient alive.

To work, it must be put on the patient's suit inventory slot. You can click the patient with it in hand to quickly put it on.

It requires at least Basic Anatomy and Medicine skill to safely use. Otherwise, it can damage the ribcage


Some things - namely cryo, stasis bags, cryopods or just extreme cold apply 'stasis'. It's an effect that slows down your metabolism by some factor, in essence making you 'tick' only every so often instead of normal frequency. It can be extremely useful in medical to buy some time for patients who are bad off, but not the worst off, or when medical help is unavailable and you need more time to get to it.

It slows down processing of everything inside the patient - bleeding, chemicals (both good and bad), infections, any organ damage side effects.

Higher stasis factors (15x or more) will also make patient fall asleep eventually, and all of them will make them drowsy.

Stasis Bag

Stasis bags are found in the medical storage inside a locker.

The ultimate "oh shit" button in Medical. When a patient is critical and you absolutely cannot get them treatment in time, have them lie on the floor and click on this bag while it's in your hand and you're standing over them. Then click the bag to open it, click again to close, and voila - one stasis'd patient. This will slow down their metabolism until it's opened again. They start at 20x slowdown, and deteriorate with time, turning 25% worse every 5 minutes - 20x to 15x to 11x and so on until fully depleted in 40 minutes.

Patients in stasis bags can also be injected through the bag itself by clicking on the bag with a syringe in hand. This allows you to dose the patient with important medications like inaprovaline prior to removing them.

This makes Stasis Bags incredibly useful for emergency retrievals and ensuring that patients have more time to get treatment. In a crisis situation, these things are worth their weight in gold. For example, if patient would have died in a minute, at maximum power stasis bag he would last 20 instead.

  • Slows down metabolism (breathing, bleeding, chemicals in blood, etc.)
  • No IC skills required (one of the few devices that are ICly as simple to use as OOCly)


Your answer to all cases of cardiac arrest. It has to be worn on your back and requires both hands free in order to wield the paddles. Place it on your back slot, then click it to take the paddles in your hands. Click the patient with the paddles at the ready, in help intent, and aiming at the chest area in order to try and jump-start their heart.

Do note that this won't actually fix anything about the heart itself. If it's damaged, it'll stay damaged, and if the patient is out of blood, they'll still be out of blood. Unless you want their heart to fail again immediately, be sure to fix the issue that caused the cardiac arrest in the first place before resuscitating them.

  • Used to restart a stopped heart.
  • Uses a standard power cell that can be removed with a screwdriver and upgraded.

Other Equipment

  • Medical Wardrobe - Contains different uniforms for different sections of Med-bay, as well as different colored surgical scrubs.
  • Medical Belts - Can be loaded with medications and tools, such as syringes and health analyzers, for easy access.
  • Medical Kits - There are many different kinds, each containing their respective type of emergency pouches. More can be ordered from cargo.
  • Syringe Gun - Can be loaded with a single syringe that can be shot at a person from a distance.
  • Prescription Glasses - For helping those who can't see good and wanna learn do other stuff good too. Also contains prescription meson glasses and sunglasses.
  • Space Cleaner - Can be fired ahead three tiles to help clean up the inevitable mess that Med-bay becomes.
  • Sterilizine - Essentially space cleaner, removes blood on surgery tables.
  • Body Bags - Used for storing dead bodies in. Can be labeled with a pen.
  • Sink - Use this to wash your dirty, dirty germ covered hands.
  • Mass Spectrometer - Used for testing toxins in a patient's blood.
  • Laser Scalpel - Made from science, makes surgery quicker by making the incision bloodless.
  • Incision Management System - Made from science, makes surgery much quicker by automatically making an incision, clamping bleeders, and retracting it.


In addition to the other, more portable tools available to the doctors, there are a handful of less-mobile pieces of medical equipment in the Infirmary that may prove useful to you.

Cryo Cell

Used for supercooling both medication and patients. Usually, these will be loaded with Cryoxadone or Clonexadone, which are medications that must be extremely cold in order to have any effect. They are the controlled way of putting a patient into cold-induced stasis. At 80K temperature, the cryotube provides 20x stasis factor to most species (Note that this currently prevents most use of cryo cells for actual medical treatment, as patients barely tick while in cryo. Cryo cells are presently useful primarily as stasis tools.). Keep in mind that unless the tube has Cryoxadone or Clonexadone loaded, the cold will damage the patient as normal - those chems are what prevents it.

One of more niche uses is to repair genetic damage, as Clonexadone is an easy fix for that sort of thing. Occasionally, enterprising Chemists might load up the cryotubes with more complex medicinal mixtures that might give them a wider use, but this is uncommon and should not be relied upon.

Cryo starts out warm and has to be set up, and is useless until it's cold and loaded with medicine. Since it's the patient's body temperature that determines whether Cryoxadone and Clonexadone work, you won't get very fast results until the cryo tube is cold enough to quickly freeze the patient. Remove their space suits, or they would not be able to be chilled enough for medicine to work.

Once a patient is inside the cryotube, click on it to open its control interface and monitor your patient's health.

Setting Up Cryo

  1. Make sure the oxygen canister is connected to the cryo tubes. If it isn't (it should be, as it starts out connected), use a wrench on the O2 canister to secure it.
  2. Take a nearby beaker filled with Cryoxadone and then click on an empty cryotube to load the beaker into the cell. Note that Clonexadone is exactly the same, but better, and should be used when possible. Get some from the Pharmacist. Faster still is a combination of Clonexadone and Cryoxadone. Some Pharmacists make their own custom mixes.
  3. Set the freezer's Target gas temperature to approximately 80 degrees.
  4. Set the freezer to On.

Using Cryo

  1. If patient is wearing any suit that protects from cold (i.e. space suit), remove it.
  2. Grab the patient.
  3. Click on one of the cells to place the patient inside and set the Cryo status to On.
  4. If patient is not healing, either the patient is not cool enough inside the chamber, the beaker within the chamber has run out of chemicals, or the medicinal mix in the cryotube is incapable of treating the patient's injuries.
  5. Click on the cryo cell to check on your patient. When satisfied with their recovery, you can eject the patient by pressing the Eject Occupant button.
  6. Remember to turn Cryo status to Off to save oxygen and chemicals.


Sleepers are general-purpose medicinal units that can be used to apply a variety of basic medications. Since these are basic medications, however, they are rarely used for this; rather, their primary purpose is to perform dialysis or engage their stomach pump functions, which can both be used to remove a variety of toxic or otherwise dangerous substances from a patient's body.

Once a patient is loaded into the sleeper, click on it to open the controls for the sleeper.

  • Placing patient in: Click and drag the patient onto the sleeper.
  • Getting patient out: Press the Eject Occupant button on the sleeper interface screen.
  • Dialysis: Once the patient is inside, click 'Start Dialysis'. Dialysis filters out blood (watch for low blood counts causing brain damage), with the added bonus of pulling out any chemicals in the patient's bloodstream with it. This treatment should be used when you believe someone to be overdosing or to be poisoned. The beaker inside the sleeper will fill with the mixture of blood and filtered chemicals. To retrieve the beaker (potentially to let the Chemist examine the mixture and find out what the patient was poisoned with), press the Eject Beaker button on the sleeper's control screen.
  • Stomach pump: Similar to dialysis, but for chemicals in the stomach, as dialysis won't get those.
  • Stasis: Sleepers have some limited stasis capability, with 3x, 5x or 10x factors settable. Keep in mind that while in stasis, beneficial medicine is processed more slowly. Power usage will also increase dramatically at higher factors.

Sleeper Chemicals

  • Inaprovaline - Slows bleeding, stabilizes heart rate, and slows down the rate of brain damage. Also acts as a weak painkiller.
  • Paracetamol - A slightly stronger painkiller than Inaprovaline.
  • Dylovene - Cleanses toxins from the blood. Also slightly heals damage to the liver.
  • Dexalin - Supplies artificial oxygen to the brain.

When upgraded by science staff, Sleepers also contain:

  • Kelotane - Heals burns, albeit slower than Dermaline.
  • Hyronalin - Treats radiation poisoning.

Suit Sensors Monitoring Console

Located in the infirmary lobby, the suit sensors monitoring console is your advance warning system. It's really just a program available to most computers, but it's primarily used by Medical personnel and is very handy for locating patients in need.

The sensor console can give a readout of any crew member's pulse, blood oxygenation, body temperature, and location, so long as they enable their suit sensors. Be sure to remind them to do this, and keep one eye on the monitoring console at all times in order to catch injuries as they occur and more efficiently dispatch your Medical Technicians to where they need to be.


Beyond simply using the tools available to you, there are a variety of medical procedures that you can perform on your patients in order to help heal them.


If a patient's heart has stopped, there's no blood flow going to the brain. This can quickly result in brain death, and obviously should be corrected as quickly as possible, as mentioned above. However, if, for some reason, immediate resuscitation is not possible, CPR is a good way to extend a patient's life. Every time you perform CPR on a patient, it counts as one breath with their lungs were properly working, it circulates blood a little no matter what state heart is in, and with some luck, you might be able to restart their heart. Don't be afraid to crack some ribs while you're at it, remember, if they died with ribs intact, you didn't try hard enough!

CPR consists of two parts - the chest compressions to kickstart the heart and the mouth to mouth resuscitation to give them air. To perform CPR on a patient, they must be in cardiac arrest, and for the mouth-to-mouth part, neither of you can be wearing a mask or other mouth covering. Click on the patient with an empty hand while on help intent to perform CPR. This requires both of you to remain still for a short period. This can be repeated as many times as necessary until treatment can be administered.

Blood Transfusion

If a patient has lost a large amount of blood, they will require a blood transfusion to allow for full circulation and prevent further brain damage.

  • Prepare an IV drip with a blood bag containing an appropriate blood type (see below). If available, you should use NanoBlood, that is more efficient and does not care for blood types. You can order it in Cargo or have Chemist make some from plain blood.
  • Ensure that the IV drip is in Inject mode.
  • Attach the IV drip to the patient.
  • Monitor the patient's blood circulation via health analyzer.
  • If an IV drip is not available, injecting the patient with blood from a syringe is workable, if a slow and cumbersome, option, as is administering blood pills.
  • Iron and nutriment both speed up the patient's natural recovery of lost blood.

Blood Compatibility

It's important to use right type, to avoid blood rejection and poisoning. Blood between two different species is never compatible, even if it shares the same colour. Nanoblood, which is made chemically can be given to any patient without fear of rejection, but donated blood should be reserved for members of the same species.

If there is no NanoBlood available, and no precise blood type match as an alternative, look for a replacement by these rules:

  • Negative can take only negative.
  • All types can take O.
  • A can take A.
  • B can take B.
  • AB can take A and B.
  • O can take only O.

Blood Compatibility Chart


Dialysis & Stomach Pump

If the patient has undesirable chemicals in his blood or stomach, you can use the Sleeper to remove them. Make sure to pick appropriate function (Dialysis for chemicals in blood,